Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Crawl - Trick Tuesday

Crawl / Be sneaky / soldier
Whatever you would like to call it it all means the same thing... to crawl on their belly across the ground.
Start teaching this from a down position. Use a treat to get your dog down - do NOT say "Down". (You don't want to lure your dog out of a down command as they don't understand the crawl command yet and they shouldn't leave their down command) Anyways.. so use your food to get them into a down do not say "Down" inch the food from their nose out away from them just a little bit and very slowly. If you go to fast they will get up. Treat on the 1st little inch forward and mark it with a word "Good" / "yes" until they are confident and continually inching forward for you then start having them go a little farther each time until they get the treat but you want to start with reinforcing fairly quickly as you want your dog to have fun with it and not get bored and give up. Once they have the concept down then start saying the word "Crawl"
Good luck! Send us your pics and vids of working with your dogs.
Here are 3 videos of me starting to teach it with Buddy, Clover and Ritter

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